Does your company have an existing workplace wellness program? What does it look like? Wellness days, biometric screenings, lunch & learn workshops? Have you ever considered hosting a workplace wellness event outside the workplace? Yes that’s right, companies are doing this all across the country and it’s yielding positive results.
Consider a previous client of ours that hosted a “Beat the Boss” competition where they participated in a local 5K event and aimed to beat their boss of their particular division. The company paid the registration fee for each employee that wished to participate in the event. Not only did this create some positive workplace morale, but we found that employees were also encouraging their family members to join them on event day. Talk about a trickle effect. We got them moving, thinking healthy and supporting a great cause. Some other ideas to consider for outside the workplace include:
- Geocaching or Kayaking
- Volunteer/City Clean-up Day
- Local Bike Ride or 5K Walk/Run
This idea is easy to orchestrate and we do it all the time. We’ve built relationships with many local organizations so we can make it easy for the you to connect. The next time you are considering a workplace wellness event, consider thinking outside the workplace itself. Give us a call and let us do the work for you!